tel: 189-5012-2928

College of Architecture and Fine Arts (CAFA) 建筑与美术学院

Bachelor of Science in Architecture 建筑学学士

Bachelor of Landscape Architecture  风景园林学士

Bachelor of Fine Arts Major in Visual Communication 视觉传达专业美术学学士

Bachelor of Arts in Broadcasting 广播文学学士

Bachelor of Arts in Journalism 新闻学文学学士

Bachelor of Performing Arts (Theater Track) 表演艺术学士(戏剧方向)

College of Business Administration (CBA) 工商管理学院(CBA)

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Business Economics 工商管理理学学士,主修商业经济学

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Financial Management 工商管理学士,主修财务管理

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Marketing Management 工商管理学士,主修市场营销管理

Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship 创业学理学学士

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy 会计学理学学士

College of Criminal Justice Education (CCJE) 刑事司法教育学院

Bachelor of Arts in Legal Management 法律管理文学学士

Bachelor of Science in Criminology 犯罪学理学学士

College of Hospitality and Tourism Management (CHTM) 酒店与旅游管理学院

Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management 酒店管理理学学士

Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management 旅游管理理学学士

College of Information and Communications Technology (CICT) 信息与通信技术学院

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology 信息技术理学学士

Bachelor of Library and Information Science 图书馆与信息学学士

Bachelor of Science in Information System 信息系统理学学士

College of Industrial Technology (CIT) 工业技术学院(CIT)

Bachelor of Industrial Technology with specialization in Automotive 工业技术学士,汽车专业

Bachelor of Industrial Technology with specialization in Computer 工业技术学士,计算机专业

College of Law (CLaw) 法律学院(CLaw)

Bachelor of Laws 法学士

Juris Doctor 法学博士

College of Nursing (CN) 护理学院

Bachelor of Science in Nursing 护理学理学学士

College of Engineering (COE) 工程学院

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering 土木工程理学学士

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering 计算机工程理学学士

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering 电气工程理学学士

Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering 电子工程理学学士

Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering 工业工程理学学士

Bachelor of Science in Manufacturing Engineering 制造工程理学

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering 机械工程理学学士

Bachelor of Science in Mechatronics Engineering 机电工程理学学士

College of Education (COED) 教育学院(男女同校)

Bachelor of Elementary Education 基础教育学士

Bachelor of Early Childhood Education 幼儿教育学士

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English minor in Mandarin 中等教育学士,主修英语,辅修普通话

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Filipino 中等教育学士,主修菲律宾语

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Sciences 中等教育学士,理科专业

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Mathematics 中等教育学士,主修数学

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies 中等教育学士,主修社会研究

Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Values Education 中等教育学士,主修价值观教育

Bachelor of Physical Education 体育学士

Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education Major in Industrial Arts 技术与生计教育学士,主修工业艺术

Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education Major in Information and Communication Technology 技术与生计教育学士,主修信息与通信技术

Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education Major in Home Economics 家政学专业技术与民生教育学士

College of Science (CS) 理学院(CS)

Bachelor of Science in Biology 生物学理学学士

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science 环境科学理学学士

Bachelor of Science in Food Technology 食品技术理学学士

Bachelor of Science in Math with Specialization in Computer Science 数学理学学士,主修计算机科学

Bachelor of Science in Math with Specialization in Applied Statistics 数学理学学士,主修应用统计学

Bachelor of Science in Math with Specialization in Business Applications  数学理学学士,主修商业应用

College of Sports, Exercise and Recreation (CSER) 体育运动及康乐学院

Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Sports Sciences with specialization in Fitness and Sports Coaching 运动与运动科学学士,专业为健身与运动教练

Bachelor of Science in Exercise and Sports Sciences with specialization in Fitness and Sports Management 运动与运动科学理学学士,专业为健身与运动管理

Certificate of Physical Education 体育证书

College of Social Sciences and Philosophy (CSSP) 社会科学与哲学学院

Bachelor of Public Administration 公共管理学士

Bachelor of Science in Social Work 社会工作理学学士

Bachelor of Science in Psychology 心理学学士

Graduate School (GS)  研究生院(GS)

Doctor of Education 教育学博士

Doctor of Philosophy 哲学博士

Doctor of Public Administration 公共管理博士

Master in Physical Education 体育硕士

Master in Business Administration 工商管理学硕士

Master in Public Administration 公共管理硕士

Master of Arts in Education 教育学硕士

Master of Engineering Program 工程硕士

Master of Industrial Technology Management 工业技术管理硕士

Master of Science in Civil Engineering 土木工程硕士

Master of Science in Computer Engineering 计算机工程理学硕士

Master of Science in Electronics and Communications Engineering 电子与通信工程理学硕士

Master of Information Technology 信息技术硕士

Master of Manufacturing Engineering 制造工程硕士










3.语言要求: SAT 1200 / GCE / IB / TOEFL 500




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